Wednesday, December 9, 2015

No Electricity - Rehearsal Cancelation

Due to the electrical outage and school cancelation at Wilson, rehearsal is canceled for:

Wednesday 12/9

The rehearsal schedule will not change for the remainder of the published timeline.

The agenda for The Trees on Monday 12/14 will now be Movement and not Text.  We will hit Text on 12/16.

All members of The Trees should come Monday 12/14 prepared to move and to work in bare feet.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Pool: Schedule Weeks 2-3

M 12/7
4p - 4:45p
Water / Marcus
Table Work

4:45p - 5:30p
Monologue work

T 12/8
4p - 5p
Melanie / Kaleb
Table Work

5p - 5:45p
Melanie / Jonathan
Table Work

W 12/9
4p - 5:45p
The Trees
Movement Workshop

TH 12/10
4p - 5:45p
Jonathan / Dawn / Penelope
Scene / Movement Work

F 12/11

M 12/14
4p - 5:45p
The Trees
Text Work

T 12/15
4p - 5:45p
Full Cast
Table Work

W 12/16
4p - 5:45
The Trees
Music / Text / Movement

TH 12/17
4p - 5:45p
Full Cast
Table Work

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Pool: Schedule Week 1 (complete)

Wed. 12/2
4p - 5:30p
Jonathan / Dawn / Penelope
Table Work

Thurs. 12/3
4p - 5:30p
Water / Jonathan / Melanie
Table Work

Fri. 12/4
4p - 6p
The Trees
Chorus Workshop

Monday, November 30, 2015

Crew Lead Posting

Attn: Prospective Crew Leads -

The List is up on the Callboard outside the Drama Room...Please check it out to see where you'll be serving the winter production!

Here are some general notes, though -

-Anyone who signed up for a Lead position and were not assigned, please join us at the builds...there just weren't the positions to go around to all interested!

-All Assistant Stage Managers should report for rehearsal tomorrow after school

-All Leads and Crew Members should begin checking the Callboard and show blog ( DAILY…there’s no excuse for being uninformed

-All Leads and Crew Members should be on the lookout for a production meeting next week

-All Build Crew Volunteers should be regularly checking the Callboard or Blog for build times and opportunities

Thanks!  See you very soon…

j. miller


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Pool: Schedule Update Week 1

Andrew has been hard at work on a new draft of the play.  The changes he's making will allow us to dive even deeper into the content throughout December.  Very exciting!

But...because I am not sure of the changes, I can't schedule specific actors for specific work just yet.

The new version will come in on Monday, November 30.

With all factors considered, here is what I CAN tell you:

Mon. 11/30

Tues. 12/1
Called:  Full Cast
Agenda:  First Read*
*(This is a mandatory attendance date per your signed audition forms)

Wed. 12/2

Thurs. 12/3

Fri. 12/4
Called:  The Trees
Agenda:  Chorus Workshop

Once I have a better handle on the new draft, I'll be able to publish more detailed schedules, and typically, I'll do that for 2 to 3 weeks at a time, so that you can plan your busy lives.  Thanks for your patience as we get going.

I hope you have all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday so far!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Pool - The Acting Company

Teen West: Year Four
The Pool Behind the Old Brick School
by Andrew Wardenaar

The Acting Company

Lena Bodeit

Sydney Yeargers

Will Banks

Wolf Morgan-Steiner

Diego Millan

Mattie Richardson

Gwyneth Ann Bushman

Kendall Berry
Solomon Burr-Harris
Maggie Conroy
Maddy Conkle
Grace Dills
Grace Dotson
Andrew Foran
Lucy Grissom
Clementine Hage
Eli Malloy
Elijah Moon
Daniel Nyounai-Herrera
Natti (Pie) Ratanavetin
Julia Taylor
Quinland Thompson

Regarding Script Development

The first three weeks of December will be about work-shopping the script so as to allow Andrew Wardenaar to rewrite the play and ready it for staging after winter break.

We know the following goals:

--The roles of Marcus, Kaleb, Dawn, and Penelope are being expanded.

--The origin story of the trees will be explored, adding more context for the chorus and allowing the audience a deeper view into how they all came to be hardened.

--The use of music (voice and potential percussion) and movement will be investigated so as to create a working vocabulary for the storytelling.

Checking the Blog / Callboard

It is expected that everyone is checking the blog daily as well as the callboard.  The general schedule was in your audition packet, but changes will most certainly occur as more detailed schedules and information is published.  There is no excuse to be uninformed.  So please be disciplined in your commitment and actions.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Pool: Callbacks #2

The Pool Behind the Old Brick School
Callbacks #2 / Thurs. 11-19 / 4p - 7p

Thank you to all who auditioned at the first callbacks.  If you are not on the following list, you are still in consideration for a role in the production.  THIS IS NOT A CUT.  I am having to use the limited audition hours wisely to investigate options in the most efficient manner.

Mattie Richardson
Ezra Braxton
Gwyneth Ann Bushman
Kendall Berry
Sydney Yeargers
Will Banks
Eli Malloy
Grace Dills
Lucy Grissom
Wolf Morgan-Steiner
Julia Taylor
Maggie Conroy
Andrew Foran
Lena Bodeit
Grace Dotson
Diego Millan
Maddy Conkle
Daniel Nyounai-Herrera

For the second callback, the above actors will read scenes from the play.  Sides will be given to actors at the audition as they come in to read.  It is highly recommended that all actors become even more familiar with the current draft.  Actors will be released from auditions as the day progresses, but all should be prepared to stay until 7:00p.

NOTE: Actors may also be asked to sing.  (No prep required.)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Pool: Callbacks #1

Thank you to all who auditioned at generals.  If you are not on the following list, you are no longer being considered for a role.  I hope you will all consider being involved in other ways and help bring this new play to life!

(please forgive any typos in your names:  some of the handwriting is less than clear on the audition forms!)

Mattie Richardson
Ezra Braxton
Gwyneth Ann Bushman
Kendall Berry
Sydney Yeargers
Clementine Hage
Elijah Moon
Will Banks
Elizabeth Sikora
Sophia Burton
Eli Malloy
Grace Dills
Lucy Grissom
Wolf Morgan-Steiner
Quinland Thompson
Julia Taylor
Solomon Burr-Harris
Maggie Conroy
Andrew Foran
Lena Bodeit
Olivia German
Grace Dotson
Diego Millan
Maddy Conkle
Daniel Nyounai-Herrera
Amelia Levine
Taegan Snyder

For the callback, actors will take part in an improvisational, group movement exercise.  You must come prepared to move.  Dress in movement clothing.  No skirts or dresses allowed.  All actors will be required to audition barefoot. 

NOTE: Actors may also be asked to sing.  (No prep required.)

Audition Reminders!

Reminder for the auditions today:

1) Bring your audition form and a headshot!
(The computers in the drama room take pictures and there's a printer there. ;-) )

2) There's still room in the general auditions for a few more to sign up...Check the callboard for audition times if you're still on the fence!

Thank you so much, on behalf of both (SW)2 and Playwrights West, for the groundswell of interest in auditioning for this fascinating project!


Wednesday, November 11, 2015



-On Thursday 11/12, audition packets will be available from Jamie Miller in room 108. 

-On Thursday 11/12, the sign up for generals (on 11/17!!!) will go up on the callboard. 

-There are hard copies of the audition draft available in room 108.  The link to read and/or download is HERE.

Please email for any and all queries.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Teen West Year 4: Reading!


Teen West Year 4:
The Pool Behind the Old Brick School by Andrew Wardenaar
Reading of current draft + Group discussion

WHEN:  Monday 10/12 from 7:00p - 9:30p

WHERE:  Room 108

WHO:  We need around 12 readers for the draft.  This is, IN NO WAY, an audition for the eventual production.  This is an opportunity to allow the playwright to hear the play and to listen to questions from you as he moves into creating the audition draft that will be the basis for casting later this fall.   We are allowing for 20 total participants. 

Please sign up on the call board ASAP!

IMPORTANT: Schedule Update and Reminders

Congrats on a VERY successful opening!!!

This is a reminder that on Sunday, 2/15, following the matinee, there is an archive photo shoot of the show. DO NOT get out of costume or make-up after curtain call on Sunday.  You may say hello to your audience in costume.  And then go directly back into the theatre and wait for instructions.  We will be shooting the show in reverse order, starting with the ending.  Once we have finished with a particular group or cast member, we will release them.  The shoot should end no later than 5:30p.  

Photos will be taken by Steve Patterson, a Playwrights West member.  I would also love for Jenna Hillenbrand to shoot as well (for any shots she is not in).  Jenna, please confirm with me.

This is a slight schedule and preparations change.  

Wednesday 2/18
Pick-Up Rehearsal / Video Shoot
(This is now not only a brush up run-through, but the official videotaping of the show.  As a result, you must now be in full hair and make-up and treat the run exactly as a show.  There will be no audience except for the two camera operators.)
CALL:  3:30p
GO:  4:30p
*Given the start time could be slightly delayed due to video set up, make-up, etc, I would plan on your release time being around 6:30p.  Please plan ahead and have snacks that you can eat as you get ready.  

Thursday, February 12, 2015

A note from Ellen...

To the cast and crew of Prime:

As I said to Matt recently, I could go on and on about every single one of you. You each bring unique talents and presence to  the show. Most of all, you each bring such heart and dedication--and that, in the end, is what makes the world of our play come alive.

And what a world it is! I've truly never seen a show quite like this. Audiences will come away from every performance feeling like they've been transported. (I expect we may hear responses like "I'm not sure what that was . . . but it was cool.") All created by actors, designers, and crew all breathing life into every moment, every inch of the stage. 

I never expected that this high school production would be one of the most satisfying experiences I've had as a playwright, but that has been the case. Thank you all.

My friend Matt, of course,  brings magnificent gifts and profound commitment to everything he does--and I never want to take that for granted. Thank you, Matt, for believing in Prime and bringing out the best in it. 

As I was heading to the theatre last night, I thought back on how I came to write this play, and a simple answer occurred to me. I needed to be in a place where love wins. We play every moment of confusion, frustration, anger, fear--every odd rhyme and complex bit of verse--as truthfully as we can. And in the end, love wins.

That's what I need to believe, and every night for an hour an a half, you all let me live in that world. 

Thank you and break a leg!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Schedule for Sunday 2/8

I hope things are going well at Regionals!

Tomorrow is going to be a long, but very fun day.  Please come in with focus and energy - and ready to work.

The day will go as follows:

1:00p - 4:15p
Work through the entire show with tech.  No costumes.  This will be an actual work through - we will not be skipping.  I expect full performance commitment.  Both tech and acting notes will be addressed.  This is also the opportunity (likely the last) for the cast to watch each other with lights and sound.  

4:15p - 5:30p
Meal Break / Get into costume.  By 5:30p, you must be in costume, at places, and ready to begin a run through.  I strongly suggest bringing your meal.  There may not be time to leave campus and then get back.  We will not be doing make-up and hair.  If you wish to start trying it, you may.  But the focus will be on costumes only.  We will add full hair/make-up on Monday.

Dress #1 GO

6:50p - 8:00p
Notes / Break down / Re-Set


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Call for Friday 2/6

4:00p - 6:30p
No Qs
No Seven

We will work from the beginning to just before The Qs enter.  (Grace - no need to stay, we can imagine you are there, and you have already learned the music cue - enjoy your day off!)

Sunday remains the same.  Get some rest and come ready to BRING IT on Sunday.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Public Preview on 2/12

We will be having a public preview of Prime on Thursday 2/12 at 7:00p.  Jamie Miller is inviting middle school students from the feeder schools.  I am inviting some professional industry folk.

But ALSO… We want to make it a graduate night.  Wilson Drama alumni are welcome to come to this preview for a pay-what-you-will ticket price.  All of you know multiple graduates from this program.  Many are in the Portland area… So reach out and tell them to come Thursday 2/12 for a 7:00p show, and they may pay the ticket price they want!  No need to reserve - just show up at the door no later than 6:45p.

Monday, February 2, 2015


After a very productive weekend with the design team, it's become obvious that this week should be handled slightly differently to obtain our best results.  The following days have been changed.  All others remains the same (so far...).

Please stay on top of the blog postings and call board.  This is the time when small schedule changes can happen as unforeseen challenges arise in tech rehearsals.

Tuesday 2/3*
(Tech with Board Ops / Crew: 4p - 7:00p)

*This will allow for the tech team to have time to really prepare so as to waste less cast time.  Board ops will be trained.  Prop table and back stage will be fully prepared.  
-Cast members:  please take this opportunity to remain on top of school work.  Get ahead in this new term when you can.  :)

Wednesday 2/4+
4:00p - 6:30p
CALLED:  Full Company

AGENDA:  Run / Notes / Work

+Tech was originally going to start on this day.  We will now do a run without tech (though there may be sound)

Sunday 2/8++
1:00p - 8:00p

++We are extending rehearsal until 8p.  It is quite possible this could change back to 7p, but we want to make sure we have enough time should something go awry.  Should we get ahead, we will certainly release early.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Help Available?

Attention (SW)2 Friends, Members, Etc.:

1) Finals come first...making sure that is clear. They are the priority.
2) For those with lighter schedules/done with major finals: we need your help TODAY! 

At 330pm today, the build crew of Prime needs your help putting up flats! Due to declining numbers in the stagecraft classes and a wonky finals schedule, we were not able to make the progress necessary on enclosing the Prime set. Your Company needs your help!

Do you have an hour? Two? We'd be grateful!

See you today...





Rather than do a straight run with notes, I have decided to begin a work through of the show on Thursday, which will continue into Friday.  This allows me to give notes as we go, and I think will be more effective.  This does mean that the schedule changes a bit for Thursday.  The Seven now have Thursday off.

Friday’s schedule remains the same with all called from 1p - 7p.
(There is no official lunch / dinner break on Friday.  Please bring your own snacks should you need them - and eat prior to arriving.)

Thursday 1/29
4:00p - 6:30p
Called:  All except The Seven
Agenda:  Work through
NOTE:  Initially, The Qs will work in 108 on lines and choreography, led by Guthrie and Gwyneth.  The Qs will likely not be on stage until around 5:15(ish).  The Trio will likely be released early, once The Qs come on.  I need you all to be flexible, however, and keep the full rehearsal window open.


I simply wanted to congratulate all of you on a job well done.  You brought terrific energy and intent to the work, and you handled yourselves with a high level of professionalism.  It was a marvelous success, and there were many wonderful comments from audience members.  

I wish you the best on finals.  I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!


Monday, January 26, 2015

A Note from the Main Page:

Get your tickets now for our this, our third annual collaboration with the great folks at Playwrights West...Teen West Project: Year 3 - Prime!

Our verse comedy from playwright Ellen Margolis is not to be missed, as you already know! Director Matthew B. Zrebski and the team at SouthWest StageWorks cordially invite all your friends and family to be part of the fun.

Go to to get tickets!



Saturday, January 24, 2015

Another Fertile Ground Link...

Do you know anyone who is coming?  Push those tickets.  It's PAY WHAT YOU WILL!!!  And as I have already said, it will be a great opportunity for audience members to see a play go from page to simple reading to full production!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


                 Elena & Michel: Dark denim jeans, loafers or boat shoes

Elena: Any dark sheer button down shirts

Michel: Any polo shirts

Sydney: Slouchy sweaters, dark leggings, boots

Luke: Skinny jeans (colored or not), ankle boots

Aidan: Chuck Taylors, grungy pair of jeans

              Guthrie: Dark shorts, boots, plain dark colored top

Gwyneth: Dark colored pants, boots

Elijah: Dark colored pants, boots

Grace: Dark leggings, shorts or spandex, dark top, boots

Jenna: Dark jeans (preferably black), dark top, boots

                 All of the 7: Most beat up, worn down, damaged shoes and clothes you own

Food for Fertile Ground Day!

In order to make our participation in Fertile Ground a success without compromising your ability to prepare for finals, we are requiring the young men and women of 'Prime' to take part in a mandatory study/homework session after school on the 27th, before our departing together for our performance at the CoHo.

Since we are requiring you to remain here to focus on your studies and then to go into performance, we should probably make sure you get fed! That where your families come in! We are asking for your/their help in providing a light, healthy, but substantial meal here at WHS before we leave at 515pm on the 27th. Past successes have been veggie trays, sandwiches, meat and cheese trays, hummus dips, etc...substantial but not heavy (we don't want sleepy actors going into performance!).

If you and your family can help feed the masses, please contact me at!



All Things Fertile Ground!

3:30p - 5:15p
Mandatory Study Hall for Finals in the Auditorium
Food will be provided in Room 108

5:15p - 6:00p
Load up and travel to CoHo Theatre - 2257 NW Raleigh

6:00p - 7:30p
Tech Rehearsal at CoHoTheatre

7:30p - 9:00p
Public Reading at CoHo Theatre

9:00p - 9:30p
Load Up and Return to Wilson High School

Wilson High School Administration is requiring that we treat this as a school sanctioned field trip.  This means that every cast member as well as our SM and Stage Reader must have permission slips signed and returned by Monday 2/26.  Please pick up these forms from stage management when in rehearsals.

The rules for travel are:
a - a student may drive themselves but are not allowed to drive any other students - no exceptions

b - a guardian may drive their child, but no other students unless... (see c)

c - an adult driver may take more than one student if and only if they are on file with the school.  These forms may also be picked up from stage management and need to be returned ASAP.  We are in need of drivers, so please ask your parents if they are willing to transport - to and from - and if they are willing to be on file as an official driver.  Currently, we have Jamie Miller and Matt Zrebski.

This event is an amazing opportunity for audiences to have an inside look at the process of new work.  More times than not, audiences love seeing a reading and then going to the full production to see how it's all been fully realized.  Please urge family and friends to attend and take advantage of seeing how a play goes from page to full production.  Tickets are all "pay what you will" and can be purchased online or at-the-door.  It is strongly advised that they get tickets in advance!  The link: 

Schedule: 2/2 - Strike!

Please note: given the potential for unforeseen challenges as we enter into the final stages of the process, this schedule is subject to change.  Please be consistent in checking the blog and the call board for updates.  That said, major changes should not be necessary unless we have issues arise like cast absences or weather related closures.  And if we should get ahead, we will shorten rehearsals.  Also, take note of the start and end times.  It varies.  

Rehearsal Schedule
Prime Schedule 2/2 - 2/22 (Strike)

Monday 2/2
3:30p - 4:30p
CALLED:  Aidan, Luke, Sydney
AGENDA:  Work Scenes

4:30p - 5:30p
CALLED:  Michel, Elena, Henry
AGENDA: Work Scenes

5:30p - 7:00p
CALLED:  The Qs, Henry, Michel
AGENDA:  Work Scenes / Choreo.

Tuesday 2/3
4:00p - 7:00p
CALLED:  Full Company
AGENDA:  Work Scenes / Run Through


Wednesday 2/4
4:00p - 6:30p

Thursday 2/5
4:00p - 6:30p

Friday 2/6
4:00p - 6:30p


Sunday 2/8
1:00p - 7:00p

Monday 2/9
4:00p - 9:00p

Tuesday 2/10
5:30p - 10:00p

Wednesday 2/11
5:30p - 10:00p

Thursday 2/12 (PREVIEW)
5:30p - 10:00p


Friday 2/13
5:30p  CALL
7:00p  GO

Saturday 2/14
5:30p  CALL
7:00p  GO

Sunday 2/15
12:30p  CALL
2:00p    GO
3:30p - 5:30p  PHOTO SHOOT

Wednesday 2/18
(Pick Up - No Make Up or Hair)
3:30p CALL
4:00p GO

Thursday 2/19
5:30p  CALL
7:00p  GO

Friday 2/20
5:30p  CALL
7:00p  GO

Saturday 2/21
5:30p  CALL
7:00p  GO


Sunday 2/22
11:00a - 5:00p