Thursday, November 29, 2018

TW7: Call Backs #2

-The actors listed below are called back to the final day of auditions. 
-Please note:  this is NOT a cut.  
-Please forgive any misspellings:

Abby Steward
Ainsley Leof
Airelle Price
Alex Worden
Anna Flood
Artem Petrychako
Cassidy Stevenson
Clay McAllister
Daltry Russo
Duncan Larson
Eden Vixie
Eli Mohr
Elise Delamarter
Ella Carson
Ethan Mills
Harley Flores
Hyacinth Fick
Johnathan Price
Julia Bobac
Kieran Gilmartin
Lucy Grissom
Max Finke
Max Sivers-Boyce
Millie Polzin
Nico Vilches
Owen Van Horn
Parker Callais
Quinnlan Braun
Raven Wilson
Rivkah Zigman
Sophie Palmer
Sophie Parateau
Will Craven
William Britton
Zoe Maloney-Dunn

CALL BACKS #2 -  Friday, 11/30 (4p - 8p)
This phase of the audition will consist of more readings from the scripts along with music / movement work.  Again, come in comfortable/dance/workout clothing and be prepared to work barefoot. (There will be music and movement for sure!)

As with the first round of call backs, people may be released throughout the day.  There will be lots of waiting around, so please come prepared to do homework.  Room 108 will, once again, be designated a quiet space so people can tend to their academic obligations while waiting to be seen.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

TW7: Call Backs #1


The incredibly focused, thoughtful, kind and creative work on display today has resulted in everyone being passed on to the first call backs.  Well deserved!

CALL BACKS #1 -  Thursday, 11/29 (4p - 8p)
This phase of the audition will consist of readings from the scripts along with music / movement work.  Again, come in comfortable/dance/workout clothing and be prepared to work barefoot. 

Please note that people will be released throughout the day.  There will be lots of waiting around, so please come prepared to do homework. Room 108 will be designated a quiet space so people can tend to their academic obligations while waiting to be seen.

See you all soon!


Wednesday, November 14, 2018


The link below will take you to the folder containing the audition drafts of 9 of the 11 plays.  These are initial drafts and may go through radical rewrites after the worshopping in December.  

Note that one two pieces are being devised and/or written specifically for those cast:  

Act One Finale (in the library) - by Claire Willett
Act Two Choir Room (a mini-musical) - by Matthew B. Zrebski

The link below will take you to the audition information packet.  This is lengthy, a little tedious, but MUST BE READ CAREFULLY.  In addition to the form on page 9, we are now requiring a full conflict schedule.  Please do not wait until the day of auditions to fill these out.  I strongly suggest printing it off and filling it all out carefully over Thanksgiving Break.

The sign up for general auditions will go up on the call board by the end of school Thursday 11/15.

This is a huge undertaking; I can't wait to get started with the always inspiring artists at SouthWest StageWorks.  I hope everyone is super brave and comes out to audition.  It will be a fun and exhilarating 3 days.  If you are nervous, that's fine! Come out anyway and try something new and exciting!

As always, you may email me with questions at: