Thursday, April 28, 2022

TW10 - "Where Do We Go?" - Unmasked

I had not made a final decision about whether the song "Where Do We Go?" should be masked or unmasked in terms of costumes.

It is clear from rehearsals (and listening) that the only way it can be performed is without masks. We simply can't hear well enough - and the sound is terribly muffled (and will be even more muddy in the costume masks). It also makes the most sense from the playwright's intention - given all students unmask to say their names in the ritual - then all come together to sing. It makes no thematic sense for the fellow students to cover their faces again for the song.

So, once you remove your mask to say your name, you should keep it off and in your hand until the end of Microphone.

I feel that, given all are facing downstage when they sing - and are not facing each other - and given it's only a 2:30 song - this is quite safe. And given other schools are doing full musicals completely unmasked for the entire show - this is well within standards at PPS. That said, if anyone is deeply uncomfortable having to sing unmasked in this moment of the show, come talk to me. There may be some solutions, but they will involve a change in that individual's stage position - or even potentially having to sing off stage.

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