Thursday, February 27, 2025

TW13 - The Audition Draft

Click HERE to download / read the Audition Draft of The Demolition.

NOTE: For over a decade, one of the most exciting parts of Teen West Project is the developmental process for the script. Though this is fairly "complete", it is not "finished". 

Changes will take place, particularly over spring break, after massive amounts of character work and collaboration have happened. New Work is always in flux - which is what makes this such a thrilling opportunity for all of us!

Monday, February 24, 2025

The Demolition - LAUNCH!

SouthWest StageWorks 
in association with Playwrights West

Teen West Project: Year 13
The Demolition
written and directed by
Matthew B. Zrebski

As the search for a missing young man intensifies, pieces of homes and buildings begin to disappear. Doorknobs, walls, floorboards - the elements allowing boundary, privacy, safety - gone. A group of teenagers is tossed into chaos, forced to grapple with exposure - made to look hard in the mirrors - and at each other. When nothing but an open field is left, that will they do?

This play has 17 on-stage roles and 1 voice-over role.

The current gender breakdown is: 7m, 8f, 3x. But there is flexibility to switch some roles should the casting process reveal a desire to make script alterations regarding gender.

Each character is featured in two scenes plus a full-cast "finale". This story structure allows for a fairly stress free rehearsal process as no one will have a huge line load. This is truly an ensemble piece.

TH 2/27 by 10:00a: Audition Draft Published 

M 3/3 by 10:00a: Audition Packets Published / Sign Ups

W 3/5 1:00p - 2:00p: Audition Informational Meeting  / Q&A

M 3/10 3:45p - 7:30p: General Auditions

T 3/11 3:45p - 7:30p: Callbacks

T 3/11 by 11:00p: Casting Posted On Blog

W 3/12: 3:45p - 6:30p: MANDATORY first rehearsal

If you have any questions, you may always email Matt Z at