Monday, February 24, 2025

The Demolition - LAUNCH!

SouthWest StageWorks 
in association with Playwrights West

Teen West Project: Year 13
The Demolition
written and directed by
Matthew B. Zrebski

As the search for a missing young man intensifies, pieces of homes and buildings begin to disappear. Doorknobs, walls, floorboards - the elements allowing boundary, privacy, safety - gone. A group of teenagers is tossed into chaos, forced to grapple with exposure - made to look hard in the mirrors - and at each other. When nothing but an open field is left, that will they do?

This play has 17 on-stage roles and 1 voice-over role.

The current gender breakdown is: 7m, 8f, 3x. But there is flexibility to switch some roles should the casting process reveal a desire to make script alterations regarding gender.

Each character is featured in two scenes plus a full-cast "finale". This story structure allows for a fairly stress free rehearsal process as no one will have a huge line load. This is truly an ensemble piece.

TH 2/27 by 10:00a: Audition Draft Published 

M 3/3 by 10:00a: Audition Packets Published / Sign Ups

W 3/5 1:00p - 2:00p: Audition Informational Meeting  / Q&A

M 3/10 3:45p - 7:30p: General Auditions

T 3/11 3:45p - 7:30p: Callbacks

T 3/11 by 11:00p: Casting Posted On Blog

W 3/12: 3:45p - 6:30p: MANDATORY first rehearsal

If you have any questions, you may always email Matt Z at

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