Monday, October 3, 2016

IMPORTANT: Extended Calls

As you have been told in rehearsals, we have lost quite a few rehearsal hours due to the choir retreat, Ashland, and concerts.  As well, our lighting designer, Jeff Woods, needs to see a run of the show so as to make the proper decisions regarding his design.

I will work on a more detailed schedule soon with specific call times.  But you should all be prepared for the following rehearsal windows.  If anyone has a concern, please email me.  In most cases, you will not be called the entire time.

Here is the new general schedule for 10/10 - 10/19. After that, things should remain as originally published in your audition packets.

M 10/10:  3:45 - 7:00p
T 10/11:  3:45p - 8:00p*
W 10/12:  3:45p - 6:30p
TH 10/13:  3:30p - 5:30p
F 10/14:  10:00a - 6:30p

M 10/17:  3:30p - 6:00p
T 10/18:  3:30p - 6:00p
W 10/19:  3:30p - 6:00p

*Jeff Woods in attendance at 5p to see run


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