Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Updates to Audition Draft

All, please look at the below notes and write in changes to your scripts.  We want to hear these changes during the read today.  During lunch and costume fittings, please work on it.  We can also take a few minutes at the top of the 4:00p rehearsal if necessary.

Updates to Audition Draft
December 15, 2015
Page 2
DION: Don’t go on./We neither of wanted what they planned.
Add “us”
Now reads: Don’t go on./We neither of us wanted what they planned.

Page 13
stage direction: [covering his eys]
should read: [covering his eyes]

Page 18
TREY:  . . . Anywhere else you can be found a lot?
Change to
TREY: . . . Anywhere else we might run into each other?

Page 22
TREY: Kind of old. Couple of eight-year-old turtles.
Change “eight” to “eighty”
TREY: Kind of old. Couple of eighty-year-old turtles.

Page 27
ERDOS: . . . So swippity swap.
Change to
ERDOS: . . . Slip, wobble, kerplop.

Page 29
QUEASY: But my legs are on fire,
Cut “But”
Now reads: My legs are on fire,

Page 49
ALFA: Delta writes a note in illegible scratches, nobody catches, turns it in for us, note says
Cut “note says”
Now reads: Delta writes a note in illegible scratches, nobody catches, turns it in for us: [new cue for DELTA]

Page 49
BERNIE: . . . sent her down there. In no time, she comes back, braggin’ like a smokestack,
Change to
BERNIE: . . . sent her down there. Next to no time, Delta’s back, puffed up big, and braggin’ like a smokestack:

Page 50
ALF: Nothing about those sentences were right.
Change to: Nothing about that sounded right.

Page 54
ALF: . . . How they’re gonna do harm to the person they couldn’t move,
Change to: . . . How they’re gonna deal with the person they couldn’t move,

Page 54
CHARLEY: And they’ll assume I’m Bernie, see, that’s the story, innit?
Reassign next part of line to GREG,: I’m getting it now—it just took me a minute.
and cut second “it”
Now reads:
CHARLEY: And they’ll assume I’m Bernie, see, that’s the story, innit?
GREG: I’m getting it now—just took me a minute.
CHARLEY: Sure, bring ‘em on, they can’t cut me. . . .

Page 55
FARLEY: Alf couldn’t wait/Once he figured it out,/Had to shout:
Change “he” to “she”
Now reads: Alf couldn’t wait/Once she figured it out,/Had to shout:

Page 57
GREG: Oh, I get it. When he leaves
Somebody takes his place . . .
Change “he” to “she” and “his” to “her”
GREG: Oh, I get it. When she leaves
Somebody takes her place . . .

Page 62
DAR: . . . Soon Spring will come reward us for patience,
Change to
DAR: . . . Soon Spring will come reward you for your patience,

Friday, December 12, 2014


Prior to the full cast rehearsal on Tuesday 12/16, you will be having costume fittings done.  Please come to room 108 immediately after school.

To be clear:

Tuesday 12/16
Costume Fittings

Please come prepared to report the following:
1.  Your shoe size
2.  Off the rack shirt size
3.  Off the rack pants size
4.  Allergies to any fabrics / metals

Read through/rehearsal with playwright

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Rehearsal Schedule Weeks 1-2

Rehearsal Schedule
Prime Weeks 1-2

Thursday 12/11
4:15p - 6:00p
Full Cast

Friday 12/12
4:00p - 4:45p
Michel / Elena

4:45p - 5:15p
Michel / Elena / Henry

5:15p - 6:30p
Michel / Elena / Henry / The Qs


Monday 12/15
4:15p - 5:15p
The Seven

5:15p - 6:30p
Sydney / Luke / Aidan

Tuesday 12/16
4:00p - 6:30p
Full Cast

Wednesday 12/17
4:15p - 5:30p
The Seven

5:30p - 6:30p

Thursday 12/18
4:00p - 6:30p
The Qs / Henry*

*(come prepared to move!)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014



Thursday 12/11
4:15p - 6:00p
Agenda:  Read Through / Discussion w/playwright

NOTE:  I am sorting through conflicts and should have the remainder of the schedule through 12/18 completed by the time rehearsal begins tomorrow.


The Premiere Cast!

by Ellen Margolis


Henry Hakanson


Elena Braxton

Michel Castillo


Sydney Yeargers

Luke Burton

Aidan Sivers-Boyce


Guthrie Stafford

Gwyneth Bushman

Elijah Moon

Grace Dills

Jenna Hillenbrand


Abbey Hanson

Fiona Murphy

Zachary Johnsen

Mattie Richardson

Kyle Turner

Andrew Foran

Lukas Aberle

Thank you for all the hard work and time that you put into the audition. Casting is always a difficult process, and it was made most difficult, given the immense talent we saw on display.  Playwright Ellen Margolis and I feel that we've decided on a stellar ensemble to premiere this piece.  But we are also well aware of the many actors who are now disappointed.  My sincere wish is that those not cast take time to heal from this moment - and then jump right back into your pursuits.  And my biggest wish is that many of you will work on the show in other ways.  This is a fantastic theatre department with a deep talent pool.  Not everyone can be cast in every show...but everyone has a place in making each show a success.  We at Playwrights West feel very privileged to be in your home.  I can't wait to get to work!

Two Additional Sides

We will add two additional sides into the mix for the additional call backs today...

Side 6
27 - 28
Erdos Monologue

Side 7
The Seven

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


The following actors are asked to come in for additional call backs on Wednesday 12/10 at 4:00p.  People will be released throughout the afternoon/evening, but all should be prepared to stay until 7:00p.  When you arrive tomorrow, please go to room 108 and wait for further instruction.

As stated before, this is not a cut.  All decisions are in flux, and the investigation of your wonderful talent and what is best for the production is still in process. 

Kyle Turner
Zachary Johnsen
Sofia Vilches
Jenna Hillenbrand
Fiona Murphy
Abbey Hanson
Lauren Lamont
Mattie Richardson
Gwyneth Bushman
Henry Hakanson
Grace Dills
Shayla Norris-York
Luke Burton*
Sydney Yeargers*
Zoe Stuckless
Lukas Aberle
Emily Coker
Guthrie Stafford
Moses Felberg
Wolf Morgan-Steiner
Elijah Moon
Julia Taylor
Andrew Foran
Aidan Sivers-Boyce*
Lia Freeman

*Released at 4:30p


It may seem silly to repost this, but you'd be surprised how many forget this important stipulation.  I am looking closely at conflicts as I consider casting.  But I assume you have cleared all conflicts for the mandatory dates.

EXAMPLE:  You may say, "I have lessons on Thursday afternoons."  My understanding, should you be cast, is that you are adjusting your Thursdays to accommodate mandatory dates.  I hope this makes sense.

So...one more time, here is what you and your guardians have signed as an agreement to audition for Prime.  And remember, one of the dates is THIS THURSDAY 12/11 4:15p - 6:00p.

Thanks for indulging the reiteration...  :)


As would be expected with any committed extracurricular, such as athletics, few conflicts will be accepted.  We will try to work around student schedules, but conflicts DO go into the casting decision.  It is expected that this project becomes the #1 extracurricular priority for any student participating.

Consider the schedule on the previous page and note that the following dates are mandatory and not negotiable.  No student should audition if he/she has an unchangeable conflict on these dates.  No exceptions.  The dates are:

Thurs. 12/11, 4:15p – 6:00p
Mon. 1/19, 10:00a - 6:00p
All dates & times Mon. 1/26 through Sun. 2/22*

*NOTE:  Failure to attend strike on 2/22 will result in exclusion from all SouthWest StageWorks activities until the time is made up.


The sides for today will be as follows should you want/have time to study a little...


Side 1
Dar / Dion

Side 2
Dion / Erdos

Side 3
Trey / Constance / Cornelius
And Dar’s monologue for a separate call

Side 4
The Qs / Erdos

Side 5
The Seven

Monday, December 8, 2014


Thank you so much to all who auditioned.  It was a pleasure working with you; you should all be very proud of the focused effort.  There was terrific commitment in the work.  

If you are not called back below, I am no longer considering you for this production.  That said, I sincerely hope no one will interpret this as a negative critique of their talent.  Each and every one of you who came out today possesses talent, and it's my hope you will continue to train and pursue your goals.  I also hope that you will consider participating in this show in other ways - like crew or front of house!

CALL BACK LIST (with corresponding audition #)
Please come into the auditorium at 4:15p sharp tomorrow, Tuesday 12/9, for a brief meeting.  We will then begin readings from the play.  If you are involved in the choir concert, please alert me at the top of the callback, so I can get you in earlier.  Everyone should be prepared to stay until 7:00p if necessary.

1. Michel Castillo
2. Kyle Turner
3. Zachary Johnsen
4. Sofia Vilches
5. Jenna Hillenbrand
6. Fiona Murphy
7. Emma Iverson
8. Maggie Conroy
9. Abbey Hanson
10. Lauren Lamont

11. Mattie Richardson
12. Gwyneth Bushman
13. Elena Braxton
14. Henry Hakanson
15. Grace Dills
18. Shayla Norris-York
19. Luke Burton
20. Sydney Yeargers

21. Zoe Stuckless
22. Lukas Aberle
23. Emily Coker
24. Guthrie Stafford
26. Moses Felberg
27. Wolf Morgan-Steiner
28. Elijah Moon
29. Julia Taylor

31. Andrew Foran
33. Aidan Sivers-Boyce
35. Alexandra Cameron-Pizzo
37. Lia Freeman

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Audition!!!

Want to audition???

1.  Here is the link for the audition packet:  HERE! This must be read thoroughly and signed by both you and a legal guardian PRIOR to coming to general auditions.  You may also pick up a copy from Jamie Miller.

2.  Please sign up on the call board for a slot.  Please sign up for the earliest time you can attend.  We want to fill the latest slots last if possible.

3.  If you cannot make generals but want to audition, please email me at matthew.b.zrebski@gmail.com.  Explain your situation.  There is no guarantee I will still consider you.  But it is always worth a try.  :)

4.  I am aware of the choir concert on Tuesday 12/9.  If you audition and are called back - and are part of the choir event - you will be released by 6:00p.

LAST:  If you are hesitant about auditioning, because you are nervous or have little experience, please come out and give it a shot!  It is important that all of you embrace the idea that it is okay to try it and make mistakes.  You never know what will happen - and inevitably, you will learn something from the experience.  So come out to auditions prepared and with a professional attitude - but also with a sense of fun and abandon.  It will be a great time!


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

General Actors' Schedule

The following information will all be in the audition packet (soon to be available), but I wanted to have this readily available and online:

This is preliminary and is subject to change.  Technicians will have a separate schedule, created by Jamie Miller.
(NOTE:  not everyone will be called on/at every date/time)

General Rehearsals
Week 1
Thurs. 12/11, 4:15p - 6:00p
Fri. 12/12, 4:00p - 6:30p

Week 2
Mon. 12/15, 4:15p - 6:30p
Tues. 12/16, 4:00p - 6:30p
Wed. 12/17, 4:15p - 6:30p
Thurs. 12/18, 4:00p - 6:30p

Week 3
Mon. 1/5, 4:00p - 6:30p
Tues. 1/6, 4:15p - 6:30p
Wed. 1/7, 4:00p - 6:30p
Thurs. 1/8, 4:15p - 6:30p
Fri. 1/9, 4:00p - 6:30p

Week 4
Mon. 1/12, 4:15p - 5:15p
Tues. 1/13, 4:00p - 7:00p
Wed. 1/14, 4:15p - 6:00p
Thurs. 1/15, 4:00p - 6:00p
Fri. 1/16, 4:15p - 6:00p

Week 5
Mon. 1/19 (no classes), 10:00a - 6:00p
Tues. 1/20, 4:00p - 6:30p
Wed. 1/21, 4:15p - 6:30p
Thurs. 1/22, 4:00 - 6:30p
Fri. 1/23, 4:15p - 6:30p

Week 6
Mon. 1/26, 4:00p - 6:30p
Tues. 1/27, 4:00p - 10:00p
Wed. 1/28, OFF
Thurs. 1/29, 4:00p - 6:30p
Fri. 1/30 (no classes), 1:00p - 6:00p

Tech Rehearsals
Week 7
Mon. 2/2, 4:00p - 6:30p
Tues. 2/3, 4:00p - 6:30p
Wed. 2/4, 4:00p - 6:30p
Thurs. 2/5, 4:00p - 6:30p
Fri. 2/6, 4:00p - 6:30p

Dress Rehearsals
Week 8
Sun. 2/8, 1:00p - 6:00p
Mon. 2/9, 4:00p - 8:00p
Tues. 2/10, 5:00p - 10:00p
Wed. 2/11, 5:00p - 10:00p
Thurs. 2/12, 5:00p - 10:00p

Fri. 2/13, Sat. 2/14
Call:  5:30p / Go:  7:00p

Week 9
Sun. 2/15
Call:  12:30p / Go: 2:00p

<Wed. 2/18 (pick up), 4:00p - 6:30p>

Thurs. 2/19, Fri. 2/20, Sat. 2/21
Call:  5:30p / Go:  7:00p

Week 10
Sun. 2/22, 11:00a - 5:00p


As would be expected with any committed extracurricular, such as athletics, few conflicts will be accepted.  We will try to work around student schedules, but conflicts DO go into the casting decision.  It is expected that this project becomes the #1 extracurricular priority for any student participating.

Consider the schedule on the previous page and note that the following dates are mandatory and not negotiable.  No student should audition if he/she has an unchangeable conflict on these dates.  No exceptions.  The dates are:

Thurs. 12/11, 4:15p – 6:00p
Mon. 1/19, 10:00a - 6:00p
All dates & times Mon. 1/26 through Sun. 2/22*

*NOTE:  Failure to attend strike on 2/22 will result in exclusion from all SouthWest StageWorks activities until the time is made up.