Saturday, January 28, 2023


😒SUNDAY 1/29😒

Unfortunately, due to illness, we must cancel our final musical workshop for the show. We are terribly sorry for the late notice and regret any inconvenience this may cause.

Our goal remains to enter the March rehearsal process with all of the currently worked pieces OFF BOOK and MEMORIZED. So keep practicing your music and listening to the provided tracks.

Soon, we will start publishing more tracks for solos and duets. 

We are going to try and make up these 4 lost hours during the actual rehearsal process. Be on the lookout for various blog posts that will request conflicts and the like from each of you. 

Thank you for your understanding and enjoy the remainder of your weekend.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

SOCKS - Rehearsal / Part Tracks

Please click HERE for tracks designed by Rob to assist in learning your music.

Please remember that the goal is to have everything off book and able to be run through cleanly by the end of our final workshop on 1/29.

Saturday, January 14, 2023


TOMORROW - SUNDAY 1/15 5:00P - 9:00P

In addition to working on the score, we may jump into some script work too!

This is a reminder that these workshops are mandatory per the audition packet, signed by both you and your guardian. 

Failure to be present for all remaining workshops (1/15, 1/29 from 5:00p - 9:00p) may result in removal from the acting company.

See you tomorrow night. DO NOT FORGET TO BRING ALL OF YOUR MATERIALS!!! :)