Sunday, December 4, 2022

We are on for tonight!

Hello, friends - Your friendly neighborhood producer here...

Despite the white precipitation falling from the sky, we are on for rehearsal tonight at 500pm.  There are a few things you'll need to remember about today, though:

1) The sidewalks are slushy...wear good shoes and walk carefully.

2) We have a dance recital onsite.  Don't all are 'stranger danger' to some of them.  Let the person at the check in desk at the head of the Drama Hall know that you're there for rehearsal, and head straight to the Choir Room.

3) Parking sucks.  We have a house of 600 people and they didn't walk.  Plan ahead.

4) Come in through the Vermont St/Main Office doors...NOT the Stage Doors.

5) Come and get warmed up.  Singing stinks in cold weather.

See you then!  

- jm